Lesson 1. At the Gangway


When the ship is in the port the watchman keeps watch at the gangway. Не meets all the visitors and if necessary asks them to produce proper identification. He says, "Your identification, please". If he has any problems he must report them to the officer of the watch. He must lock all the doors leading to the superstructure and if necessary to store-rooms aft. Hе must keep the gangway area сlean.
He must inspect the aft mooring lines at regular intervals. And of course he must answer all the phone calls. In this case he says, "Hello, this is the m/v "A".
The gangway (or any other access to the vessel) shall be manned at all times, in compliance with the SSP (Ship Security Plan). Identification and recording of visitors, securing of all restricted spaces and other measures listed in the SSP, commensurate with the Security Level are to be strictly complied with. The applicable ‘MARSEC” level board is to be displayed at gangway. 
The Chief Engineer should not commence any work that will make the Main engine or vital auxiliaries inoperative, without Master’s and Port authority’s permission. 
A board displaying the vessel’s estimated departure time and cessation of shore leave should be placed near the gangway.

I. Translate the word combinations into English and use them in sentences of your own.

вахтовий помічник; нести вахту; мати проблеми; доповісти про проблему; замкнути двері; перевіряти швартові; дошка вахтової служби; знати, хто знаходиться на борту; не допускати сторонніх на борт

II. Learn the dialogue by heart.


- How do you do! I am the watchman. Can I help you?
- I am a surveyor. I must check if the holds are ready for loading. Call the Chief Officer, please.
- Just a minute. I`ll call him up.
(to the Chief Offlcer over the telephone)
- Chief, a surveyor is here to check if the holds are ready for loading.
(to the surveyor)
- The Chief Officer will be here in a minute.
- Thank you.

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